Recent blog articles written about high net worth divorce in Los Angeles, CA. If you have a question that is urgent please call us at (213) 550-4600. Our Los Angeles High Net Worth Divorce attorneys are standing by for your call.

An Unusual Celebrity Co-Parenting Schedule

Child Custody, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

Since divorcing last year, Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan have not followed a "consistent or formal" co-parenting schedule or custody arrangement. Channing, in prioritizing his relationship with their daughter Everly, has hopes that having an official custody arrangement will help the five-year-old "thrive even more." An Unusual Celebrity Co-Parenting Schedule According to court documents,

Did Jeff Bezos’ Divorce Impact Amazon?

Complex Property Division, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce|

After Jeff Bezos announced his divorce in January, investors paused to see which route Amazon was going to take.  If you follow the stock market, it's clear that Amazon stock was hit hard in 2018. Various reasons contributed, but stockholders couldn't help but ask, " was Bezos distracted with his divorce when Amazon was

Divorce and Tax Law Changes Coming in 2019

Divorce for Business Owners, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

When there are a lot of assets, such as in high net worth marriages, that need to be decided on in divorce, it’s important to remember the tax repercussions that can follow those decisions. Making this even more overwhelming is the fact that tax laws will be changing in 2019. Divorce and Tax Law

No Regrets for Mandy Moore

Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

Mandy Moore is opening up about her divorce – and her upcoming nuptials. No Regrets for Mandy Moore When Mandy Moore, 34, split from singer Ryan Adams in January 2015, they did it amicably, releasing a statement through their rep: "It is a respectful, amicable parting of ways and both Mandy and Ryan are

Are You a Doctor Facing Divorce?

Divorce for Business Owners, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Medical Doctor Divorce|

Doctors are in the practice of saving lives. When they can’t save their marriages, the fact that they’re a doctor can make the divorce even more difficult. Divorcing Doctors When it comes to property division in divorce, being a doctor can complicate an already complicated situation. According to statistics, one in three married physicians

Divorce-Proof Your Business

Alimony / Spousal Support, Divorce for Business Owners, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer, Medical Doctor Divorce, Postnuptial Agreements, Prenuptial Agreements|

A successful business and a successful marriage. Can you have both? Divorce-Proof Your Business For those who are facing divorce while at the same time celebrating a successful business, it might seem like you cannot. The truth is, growing a business and growing a marriage can seem at odds with one another. Time is

The Financial Side of Divorce

Alimony / Spousal Support, Divorce for Business Owners, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

As if divorce isn’t hard enough emotionally, then you get hit with the financial side of divorce. Establishing your own credit, setting up your own independent accounts, closing joint accounts, etc… can be grueling, but unfortunately a very necessary part of starting your single life. The Financial Side of Divorce Before you’re able to

Long Island Medium Divorces Husband

Alimony / Spousal Support, Child Custody, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

The Long Island Medium star Theresa Caputo and her husband, Larry Caputo, are divorcing after 28 years of marriage. Long Island Medium Divorces Husband Theresa, 52, filed on April 16, 2018 after separating last December. The TLC stars said, “After 28 years of marriage, we have decided to legally separate. We will always love each other and our

The McCourts: A Lesson in High-Net-Worth Divorce

Divorce for Business Owners, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

In October 2009, after 30 years of marriage, Jamie McCourt filed for divorce from her husband. It was a standard filing, citing irreconcilable differences. The high-net-worth divorce proceedings which ensued were anything but “standard” and involved an alleged affair, lots of press, bankruptcy, and a baseball team. The McCourts: A Lesson in High-Net-Worth Divorce

Could Angelina Jolie Lose Custody of Her Children to Brad Pitt?

Child Custody, Child Support, Family Law, High Net Worth Divorce, Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer|

Is Angelina Jolie risking losing custody of her six children? According to court documents, she might be if she doesn't allow Brad Pitt to visit with the six children the couple shares. Could Angelina Lose Custody of Her Children? According to recently released court documents, the Tomb Raider star might be in danger of

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