A man who came forward years ago with claims that he is Bill Clinton’s son just recently wished the former president a happy Father’s Day.
Happy Father’s Day, Bill Clinton
Despite the fact that a DNA test debunked the rumor almost 20 years ago, 32-year-old Danney Williams wished the former president a happy Father’s Day by retweeting a post from 2017. “Even though you abandoned me and only took care of Chelsea, I still want to thank you for giving me life. Happy Father’s Day Bill Clinton,” Williams tweeted.
DNA Testing
Since 1999, Williams has regularly demanded a DNA test. At the time, tabloid magazine Star offered to pay for a paternity test using Clinton’s DNA from the Monica Lewinsky case. According to a report done at the time, the results revealed “there was no match, not even close.”
Determining paternity in the state of California is the process by which the court determines the identity of a child’s biological father. Paternity actions in Los Angeles are typically initiated as the first step towards filing a request for child support with the court, which the state declares “provides children with equal rights and access to benefits, including, but not limited to, social security, health insurance, survivors’ benefits, military benefits, and inheritance rights.” There are several methods that can be used to establish paternity in Los Angeles, with the main deciding factor being the status of the parents’ relationship at the time of the child’s conception or birth.
Bobbie Ann Williams and Bill Clinton?
According to Williams, his mother, Bobbie Ann Williams, a Little Rock prostitute, had given birth to a child after having a sexual encounter with Clinton.
Establishing Paternity if the Parents Were Married at the Time of Conception
If the parents were married at the time of conception, California Family Code § 7540 dictates that “the child of a wife cohabitating with her husband, who is not impotent or sterile, is conclusively presumed to be a child of the marriage.” The child’s paternity is subject to rebuttal through a court-ordered genetic test, but the test must be requested within two years of the child’s birth.
Establishing Paternity if the Parents Were Not Married at the Time of Conception
If the parents were unmarried at the time of conception, California Family Code § 7570 dictates that paternity can be established by voluntary declaration. Under this provision, if the man identified as the father by the child’s mother fills out a voluntary declaration of paternity form and files it with the State Department of Child Services, paternity is established with the same effect as a judgment of parentage issued by the court.
Determining Paternity through Court-Ordered Genetic Testing
In a civil action in which determining paternity is a key factor, the court may order the man identified as the child’s father to submit to genetic testing as a means of determining paternity. Under California Family Code § 7541, in order to request a genetic paternity test, you must either be the husband, child, mother or a “presumed parent.” A local child support agency providing support enforcement services also has the power to issue an order for genetic testing if establishing paternity is relevant to the support action.
Williams’ Claims Resurface
Williams’ paternity claims resurfaced in 2016 when Williams claimed Star’s test was inaccurate because it had sourced Clinton’s DNA from a previous case—as opposed to a new sample.
Paternity Testing
Paternity testing provides scientific evidence of whether a man is a child’s biological father. Paternity testing is determined by comparing the child’s DNA with the DNA profile of the alleged father.
A paternity or maternity test is usually used to establish the parenthood of an individual for a court case such as child support, social security, or child custody. The test can also be used to support placing a parent’s name on a birth certificate.
Determining paternity is important for a number of reasons. First, knowing the identity of his or her father is important to a child’s emotional development. Second, accurate knowledge of family medical history is sometimes necessary for a child to receive the proper medical diagnosis and treatment. According to the California court system, determining paternity entitles a child to the same rights and privileges as a child whose parents are married, including, but not limited to:
- Financial support from both parents;
- The right to inherit from either parent;
- Health and life insurance coverage from either parent;
- Legal documentation identifying both parents;
- Having the names of both parents on the child’s birth certificate; and
- Social security and veteran’s benefits, if available.
In Los Angeles, an order to determine paternity is typically initiated as a precursor to a child support or child custody action as a part of divorce proceedings. This means that, if your spouse can prove that you are the father of her child, the court can order you to make child support payments. On the other side of the coin, if a father was never married to his child’s mother, he does not legally have any parental rights with respect to the child until his parentage is legally established by the court, even if he can prove that he is the child’s biological father.
Common Paternity Tests
The most popular way of testing paternity is through blood and saliva DNA testing. Blood samples and saliva samples are collected as a way of extracting DNA-rich cells. Both types of tests have advantages and disadvantages.
The most common sample type is a buccal swab, which is when a saliva sample is taken. There are a number of different ways to take a saliva sample:
Dry procedure – insertion of swab that scrapes tissue from gums and cheeks. This type of testing can often pick up bacteria from teeth.
Wet procedure – typically involves swishing liquid around in the mouth and then spitting the liquid into a collecting device. This type of testing can often pick up bacteria from teeth.
Non-invasive – spit out the collecting solution and another solution is added to help eliminate bacteria in order to preserve the integrity of the sample.
Blood Samples
DNA that is collected from a blood sample is the exact same as DNA collected from a cheek sample.
Regardless of if the sample was taken from blood or from a cheek swab, the results will be the same.
Paternity Established
Once paternity is established, the father will have a legal obligation to provide for the child in the form of child support payments, which typically last until the child is 19, or longer if the child’s circumstances call for continued support. There are several different ways in which you can defend yourself against a paternity action if you have reason to believe you are not the child’s father. For example, if you were married and living with your wife at the time of the child’s conception, and you can provide evidence that you were sterile or impotent at that time, the paternity action will be defeated, and you will not be required to pay child support. You can also request genetic testing to disprove paternity, though this request will only be approved by the court if it is made within two years of the child’s birth. These are the types of things an experienced Los Angeles paternity lawyer is intimately familiar with, and it is this extensive knowledge of paternity protocol and the complexities of the California legal system that makes a skilled paternity attorney a vital asset to your case
Clinton Un-phased by Williams’ Claims
Bill Clinton remains un-phased by Williams’ claims, posting his own Father’s Day tweet this year, completely unrelated to Williams’: “On this Father’s Day I’m thinking of the thousands of children separated from their parents at the border,” Clinton tweeted. “These children should not be a negotiating tool. And reuniting them with their families would reaffirm America’s belief in and support for all parents who love their children.”
Free Paternity Consultation in Los Angeles
Determining paternity is an important aspect of many different Los Angeles family law cases, including those involving child support and child custody and visitation disputes, and these are often delicate situations for everyone involved. Paternity actions can be complicated, and the expertise of a reputable Los Angeles paternity attorney can be invaluable to the integrity of your case. If you are a mother requesting child support payments from your child’s father, or if you are a man seeking parental custody or visitation rights, contact our knowledgeable attorneys at Divorce Lawyers Los Angeles today at (213) 550-4600. Our legal team has extensive experience handling paternity cases in Los Angeles, and we can guide you through the process of establishing or challenging paternity, ensuring that you are aware of your rights under California law.
Divorce Lawyers Los Angeles
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21st Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Phone: (213) 550-4600